MultiTrans Centralized Language Assets

MultiTrans Server Technology enables you to centralize TermBases and TextBase Translation Memories despite having a geographically distributed team of internal and external collaborators, whether they be authors, revisers, editors, in-house translators, language service providers or freelance translators.

MultiTrans is an n-tier, Web-based environment that allows several users to search, share, view and update central TextBase TMs and TermBases in real-time over a network or the Internet.

  • Source language authors can use central resources to search for monolingual term definitions and locate examples of style usage in full-text examples of previous usage;
  • Geographically distributed translators (in-house or freelance translator) can all use the same centralized multilingual resources to collaborate on a given project;
  • Terminologists can leverage resources for new terminology generation by using the industry leading bilingual terminology extraction capabilities of MultiTrans, to provide research support in real-time during translation projects;
  • Editors and reviewers can clarify terms and usage and see examples of previous translations;
  • Consumers can obtain clarification on terms and language usage by easily accessing definitions and examples of usage.

In order to obtain efficient real-time worldwide synergy from your distributed authoring, translation and reviewing teams, you need the right architecture!


  • No more geographical barriers;
  • Each contributor can leverage the work of others in real-time;
  • Reduced translation turnaround and errors;
  • Affordable Client-Server, centralized concurrent licensing architecture and Web applications enable you to control your data and the technology, regardless of whether your translations are done in-house or are outsourced.